Downlinks Log Billing Reports
Meter Details
Meter Details
Custom Report

Check the values you want to see and create your own report

Gateway Report

Shows the connectivity of the gateways (on/off period) per Gateway

Offline Report

Lists meters which are not reporting

Open switch report

Open switch report

Join requests

Displays Join requests

Events and alarms

Events and alarms list based on date range

Meter Install Date report

Meter Install Date report

Not Assigned Meters Report

Not Assigned Meters Report

DevEUI Listing

Lists all authorized DevEUI’s in the database

Power Outage Report

Power Outage Report

GPS Coordinates by Account

Firmware Versions Report

Firmware Versions report

Meter Data
Meter Data
Connectivity Report

Lists all meters with their RSSI, SNR, Lat & Lon

Last Valid Data Report

Last Valid Data Report

Packets received

Data Packets Received by Meter Serial Number

ERT data

Displays ERT packets list

ERT Alternative Data

Displays alternative ERT packets list with specific date range

ERT Statistics Report

ERT Statistics Report

Out of Range ERTs

Out of Range ERTs

Hourly Packets Number Report

Hourly Packets Number Report

Historical data report2

Historical Voltage and Current Data Report for 7 days or less

Meter Activity

Connectivity report of each meter based on date range

Totalization Report

Totalization Report

Muscatine Totalization Report

Muscatine Totalization Report

Exception Report

Exception Report

Downlinks Report

Downlinks Report

Meters by Cycle Day

Meters by Cycle Day

Historical KWh 365 days

Historical KWh 365 days

Max KW Report

Maximum KW per meter for a specific date range

Max Temp per Meter report

Max Temp per Meter report

Midnight Readings Report

Midnight Readings Report

Voltage Report

Provides the average voltage along with Max and Min voltage

Meter Connectivity

Shows packets received with date and time of an individual meter

Power Factor Report

Lists the lowest power factor recorded per customer with date and time of occurrence

Regression Report

Regression Report

Demand Per Cycle Day Report

Demand Per Cycle Day Report

Time of Use Report

Time of Use Report

Demand Reset Report

Demand Reset Report

Total kWh Delivered

Sums kWh delivered for all meters in a 24-hour period

Average PF Report

Average power factor report

Custom kWh

Custom kWh

Net usage report

Net usage report

Application Offline Report

Application Offline Report

Customer Daily Data

Customer Daily Data by Meter Serial Number

Zero Usage Report

Zero usage data with Account #, KWh and KW

Meter Replaced Report

Meter replaced report

Custom Billing Report

Sum of all kWh for all meters in a set period of time.

Billing Report

Billing data with Account #, KWh and KW

Billing Report with kVA

Billing Report with kVA

Billing Report with PF

Billing Report with PF