Meter Details
Meter Details
Water Custom Report

Water Custom Report

Offline Report

Lists meters which are not reporting

Connected Meters

Connected Meters Report

Connected Meters Without ERTs

Connected Meters Report Without ERTs

Import Serial Numbers

Import Serial Numbers

Module Installation Date Report

Module Installation Date Report

Water Meters Report

Lists all water meters with devEUI, meter serial number, and module serial number.

Meter Data
Meter Data
Daily Report

Lists the latest readings from the meters

Daily Packets Report

Data Packets Received by Meter Serial Number

Daily Update Report

Daily Update Report

ERT Data

Displays ERT packets list

ERT Alternative Data

Displays alternative ERT packets list with specific date range

Out of Range ERTs

Out of Range ERTs

Connectivity Report

Lists all meters with their RSSI, SNR, Lat & Lon

Battery Report

Battery Report

Consumption Report

Consumption Report

Consumption Report Without Divisors

Consumption Report Without Divisors

Water Consumption Exceptions Report

Water Consumption Exceptions Report

Water Overage Report

Lists the customers that has used over 300 gallons in the last 24 hours

Custom Water Overage Report

Lists the customers that has used over 300 gallons in the last 24 hours

Zero Usage Report

Zero usage data with Account # and Consumption

Water Billing Report

Lists the water consumption by Water serial number and date